Eric M. Larson P.O. Box 5497 Takoma Park, Maryland 20913 (301) 270-3450 April 22, 2000 Assistant Director Liaison and Public Information Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms 650 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20226 Greetings: This letter is to appeal ATF's denial, dated March 30, 2000, of the "National Firearms Act (NFA) System Users Manual September 8, 1997", said correspondence bearing the numbers 00-1077, 122000, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). I am willing to pay up to $100 for this information, which I request be sent to me at the above address. I would note that this particular FOIA involves documents the Tresaury Department Inspector General requested ATF to send to me, under my FOIA to the latter dated August 14, 1999. I am requesting that the foregoing manual be disclosed to me in full, for the following reasons: 1. As the Treasury Department Inspector General's (IG) letter of December 1999 to the Congressional Leadership[FN #1] noted, the IG is seriously concerned about ATF's failure to correct errors the IG discovered in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record (NFRTR). More specifically, the IG stated that "ATF should complete actions to eliminate discrepancies" in the NFRTR database, and address the problem that the NFRTR does not currently reflect "all persons currently in possession of NFA weapons," as noted on page 4 of Enclosure 2 of the December 1999 letter. I have appended a copy of the pertinent part of Enclosure 2 for your convenience of reference. [FN 1]The Honorable Richard K. Armey, Majority Leader, House of Representatives; The Honorable Dan Burton, Chairman, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives; The Honorable Pete V. Domenici, Chairman, Committee on Budget, United States Senate; The Honorable John R. Kaisch, Chairman, Committee on Budget, House of Representatives; and The Honorable Fred Thompson, Chairman, Committee on Government Affairs, United States Senate. As background, these Chairmen wrote a joint letter dated September 22, 1999, requesting the Treasury Department Inspector General (IG) to list all of the outstanding recommendations it made to agencies in reports issued during the period from January 1, 1998, to September 30, 1999, and to further specify what progress the agencies have made in implementing these recommendations. page 2 Disclosing the manual in full could help restore confidence of the Congressional Leadership in ATF. 2. As a consequence of ATF's mismanagement of the NFRTR, and the fact (as must be reasonably concluded by the results of previous FOIA requests I made) that ATF apparently had not created any instructions to assist its personnel in identifying and correcting errors in the NFRTR, in any of the previous NFA manuals ATF released to me, it is possible that the "National Firearms Act (NFA) System Users Manual September 6, 1997" contains important information that would give the Congress and the American people some reassurance that ATF may be trying to correct its practices of mismanagement which allowed errors to be created in the NFRTR to begin with. 3. Opening the foregoing manual to public scrutiny would provide the opportunity for important public comment upon many of ATF's procedures, or lack thereof, for keeping track of NFA firearms. It should be noted that the IG determined 100,000 or more NFA firearms are not currently registered to the persons who are in possession of them, which seems like an important public policy issue. For the foregoing reasons, I respectfully request that the "National Firearms Act (NFA) System Users Manual September 6, 1997" be disclosed to me in full. Sincerely, (signed---Eric M. Larson)